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Garry Williamson

November 26, 1954 - November 11, 2020 (age 65) Grapeland, TX Garry Lynn Williamson was born on November 26, 1954 and passed away on November 11, 2020. He served in the Army from 1976 to 1979.  His words to us every chance he got were "Be fair with each other. Family is all you got. Help each other." We loved our father and will cherish the beautiful moments we all had together for the rest of our lives. We will keep his memory alive for all his grandkids. A few of our memories with our father were:  he loved to box, and he would jump on any chance he had to use boxing gloves. He had a love for dogs; oh how he loved his dogs. He also loved his chickens. He had love for many things. Growing up with our dad, we found that he loved to go fishing on the coast or at the lake any chance he got. He taught us how to set a trotline. He also loved to hunt. One of his daughters' best memories are from going hunting with him and being taught how to trap raccoons and kill hogs. Another memory of his daughters was that he loved to cook out and play dominos. If he was losing in dominos, you were cheating! Another daughter remembers that they were like peanut butter and jelly since she was born. She was known as the "daddy’s girl", which was true. She did everything with him as a child. She has such great memories of him, but saltwater fishing every year was her favorite. All the talks, laughs and even butting heads sometimes gave us a love for him that will never be replaced. The last two years were probably the hardest for our father, but he tried to make the best out of it even though he would drive you crazy in the process. Our father endured a lot of hardships in his life and fought his best to overcome them. He was a loving father. With all that said, we love all the memories we had together and will hold them close to our heart forever. We love you Dad! Graveside Service: Village Mills Cemetery, Village Mils, TX; Monday, November 16, 2020 at 2:00 PM

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